XBOX Dream Portal

Medium: Acrylic brush and spray paint on wood canvas.

Location: Microsoft XBOX Office, Redmond, Washington.

Left to right: Senua from Hellblade, Soccer Player from FIFA, Master Chief from Halo, Razputin Aquato from Psychonauts, Warrior from Destiny 2: The Witch Queen.


Art Transfer Process

I projected the image with the specific proportions to account for a gap in between the 9 canvas.

Then, it’s just a matter of getting to it.

Placing line by line - feeling the magic and emotion of every line that it will carry into the eyes of anyone that enjoys it.

Border Paint Preparation

After prepping one canvas border by itself I realized I needed to speed up the process…and voila!

I stacked the remaining canvas in columns of 4 to prep 4 at a time and it went on smooth as (paint) butter.

I’m only but a bridge connecting their art dream to our reality

Easter Eggs

Floating Islands inspired by Minecraft

Flight Simulator airplane and Ken Block’s Forza race car on top of floating islands

Headset worn by Razputin Aquato

Peace symbol and Atom symbol on Master Chief

“Invent” in Japanese

“Growth” in Hindi

“Bold / Ambition” in Ukrainian

“Together” in Creole Haiti

Power On button symbols on Razputin Aquato’s lollipops

Adaptive Controller in melting popsicle form with genetic helix symbol for science

Design Concept - Work - Results

What’s this one about…

XBOX Dream Portal

Hardware from the X and S Series XBOX consoles is centric, connecting the X-Cloud to the characters and players around the world.

The diversity in characters gives us a feeling of Everyone in the Planet, Working Together, leaping outward from the painting eager to Learn and Grow. Explosive Forward movement shows Determination to Make a Difference through Bold Ambition. Symbols of Science and Love portray the intention to Invent and perhaps most importantly to have Fun in the process. Finally, the melting popsicles, candy, and hardware reminds us to not take life too seriously just as we would when we were kids while also representing our strongest tools.

Special Design Comments

XBOX Hardware really wanted to make sure we capture the energy in their team and what motivates them.

I presented my concepts and my design process which was important to make decisions, but an even more valuable portion of that activity was meeting their team in person. I absorbed their vibes, I felt the space they work at, and all that was left to do was channel their dream into our reality.

Strong triangular and circular compositions are framed with strong symmetry and the XBOX Hardware connects our characters to the X-Cloud Dream Portal where we all connect with across the globe.

Contact us.

Want to get your own Epic Mural ?

Drop me a message and let’s talk shop. I’ll guide you through my creative process as well as methods of pricing to make sure you get an awesome mural within your budget!
(954) 552-9948
Seattle, WA


Astro Lollipop