Astro Lollipop Mural

“Your Are Your City”

Medium: Acrylic spray paint, brush, and markers

Location: Seattle, Washington i-90 pedestrian tunnel West Entrance.

What’s this one about…

The meaning behind all art is more valuable when it’s left to the observer. But this one is particularly interesting when I got inspired to create it - the astronaut points at you because he is reminding you that all is up to you. The melting lollipop reminds you to not take life too seriously just as we would when we were kids. And if you’re looking at the mural in person then you’re standing in Seattle, naturally then the reflection on his helmet, of the Space Needle and Pacific Northwest scenery, is the reflection of you on his helmet. Because…

You Are Your City. The city is nothing without you. We are all free to feel anything we might feel when we observe it, but may it at least remind you that your presence in your city matters, you walk through your city just as blood runs through your veins.

My Process

Depending on the finish effects that are desired, different tools were summoned to bring the project from my inspiration onto the world. Let me walk you through how I did this one…

  1. First Lines: The location of the mural, a pedestrian tunnel, dictated that I could not use a projector to project the art onto the wall and start sketching lines - so - after priming the wall, I created a free hand “doodle grid” with spray paint to sketch the project onto the wall.

  2. Background Coloring: This background flows from a green bottom to a blue top, this represents a level of complexity most artists stay away from…a gradient on a very very large canvas. This however was achieved by the tried-and-true method of a roll, brush, and a lot of back and forth, mixing paint and building the gradient slowly until the effect is achieved. Time consuming but makes all the difference to make sure the piece comes to life pure as it was first inspired.

  3. Coloring: Most of the pieces, including lighting and shadow effects, were filled in with acrylic outdoor resistant spray paint, unless the piece required a more delicate touch. Delicate pieces received the care of a smaller brush with outdoor resistant paint to achieve the desired quality.

  4. Outlines: This piece really stands out due to its graphic visual punch, which is enhanced by Clean and Thick black outlines. A clean outline like this finish cannot easily be achieved with spray paint, especially in delicate portions like in the details of the astronaut’s hand. These delicate outline portions required the use of acrylic outdoor resistant markers.

The Ultimate Goal

Being practical is good, but achieving the desired piece that is able to meet your expectations and inspire anyone that looks upon it is the priority. Extra life that is injected with care will always be felt by the observer, always, so it’s always worth it especially when you see people stop to enjoy it - you can feel their inner world engage with the piece and inspire them, even if only for a split second…and that’ when you know you’ve done good.

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Want to get your own Epic Mural ?

Drop me a message and let’s talk shop. I’ll guide you through my creative process as well as methods of pricing to make sure you get an awesome mural within your budget!
(954) 552-9948
Seattle, WA


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